The Venn Blog

Explore our blog for tips, strategies, and industry best practices from integration experts to learn how to automate your most frustrating manual workflows between core business applications.

Can I use Salesforce to track Net Promoter Score?

“10/10 would recommend!” Who doesn’t want to get this kind of feedback from their customers?...

Can I add and share meeting recordings in Salesforce?

How integrating Zoom, Salesforce, Google Drive and Slack can adds value to any business: Is your...

What is the best way to automate a web lead?

Avoid duplicate or manual entries. Here’s how Venn automates opportunities from web leads: A...

What is the best way to automate the handoff from sales to customer onboarding?

It really depends on your workflow. Here’s how Venn jumpstarts a project after closing a deal: ...

Salesforce CRM Implementation: Everything you need to get started

As a seasoned Salesforce partner, we’ve tried and tested our process for implementing the world’s leading CRM. Our latest guide shares planning tips and costly mistakes to avoid before taking on an implementation project.

Salesforce CRM Implementation: Everything you need to get started

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 We tailor integrations, automations, and systems to our clients' needs every day. Book a meeting with us to find a solution that makes sense for your organization.
