The Cool Kids of Integration & Automation

What's the #1 word clients, prospects, and team members use to describe Venn Technology? Fun. Our focus is on creating a positive work culture and building innovative solutions that help our clients scale and thrive.

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Scott Hollrah


Scott Hollrah pops out of bed every morning invigorated knowing that he adds tangible value to his clients’ businesses. He finds it gratifying, too, that he gets to work with people that push him to be better each day, motivating him along the way. If Scott were a lyric it would be “Hello my friend, it seems your eyes are troubled, care to share your time with me?” If that sounds like someone who, first and foremost, is in the people business — that’s because it’s more who Scott is than what line of work he’s in.

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Lee Hinton

Managing Director

Lee is driven by the satisfaction that comes from using technology solutions to create efficiencies and drive tangible value for clients. He admires the words of Theodore Roosevelt: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…” On weekends, he enjoys tackling projects around his mountain home and spending quality time with his wife and daughter.

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Chad Nelson

Director of Customer Success

Chad, who’s previous skill sets include PM-ing in the Construction industry as well as time time spent playing collegiate football, is fearless in the face of giant projects. He maintains a steady hand over all projects at Venn, which is a good thing because he’s super at it. Chad enjoys trying to make everyone happy but can be the diplomatic intermediary when necessary. His favorite past times entail playing football with Bjørn and keeping everyone at Venn on task.

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Melissa Bell

Director of Sales & Marketing

Melissa (Mel) is driven by continuous improvement every day, in every aspect of her life. A former Division I athlete, she knows big things can happen when the smallest incremental gains stack up. A natural storyteller, empathizer, and collaborator, Melissa’s focus at Venn is creating content that has an impact on the bottom line. She’s a firm believer in: “When you’ve got a strong enough why, you can always find the how.” — Zig Ziglar

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Samantha Young

Business Operations Manager

Samantha loves helping the team at Venn be successful. She’s all about the collective wins. If she weren’t doing that, she’d be finding a way to live full time at Disney World. A girl’s gotta dream, right? She’s a firm believer that “Living Things Grow,” and thanks to her, we try to make sure we’re growing every day.

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Bradley Delaune

Engineering Product Manager

Bradley Delaune finds himself always motivated by the challenge to make the complex more approachable for his clients and seeing it work. To him, it’s about seeing that come alive. He tells others: “A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” — G.K. Chesterton

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Troy Rowden

Delivery Manager

Troy works across all levels of the team to find practical ways for clients to get more out of their integrations. He enjoys keeping things simple and doing good work that benefits people, which aligns with his favorite quote from Lex Friedman: “Complain less. Build more.” Plot twist: Troy has a passion for writing his own stories, especially movies and books.

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Ryan Hamilton

Delivery Manager

Ryan is passionate about serving others and spending time with his family. He lives by Philippians 1:9-10: So that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ. As a project manager, he collaborates with consultants to keep projects on track and ensure maximum client satisfaction. Out of office, he enjoys road trips, DIY carpentry projects, and coaching his kids' sports teams.

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Chad Buehrle

Lead Developer

As a Senior Developer for Venn, Chad collaborates with the team to write code for new integration apps and methodologies. Summarizing his love for problem-solving, Chad’s favorite quote comes from Carl Sagan: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” When he’s not coding, Chad enjoys hiking—hoping to one day visit an International Dark Sky Sanctuary— golfing, live events, and a relaxing day at the pool.

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Marcus Jones

Solutions Architect

Marcus is passionate about making a lasting, positive impact in the world. At the office, in his community, and for his family. When he’s not helping clients get more efficiencies from their systems in his role as a Senior Integration Consultant, there’s a good chance you’ll catch him watching an Atlanta Braves game with his english bulldog, Eva the Diva. He believes: “What you do, strive to do it so well that no man living and no man dead and no man yet to be born could do it any better.” — Dr. Benjamin Elijah Mays

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Nate Harden

Salesforce Consultant

Nate is most fulfilled when he’s connected to the people he cares about, and that includes Venn’s clients. In his role as Salesforce Consultant, Nate is the go-to for many Salesforce projects. He’s quick to identify opportunities for process improvement and eager to provide over-the-top quality support after go-live. He lives by the words, “Get busy living or get busy dying,” so you know he means business.

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Kylie Jones

Integration Consultant

Always taking on new adventures and challenges, Kylie enjoys helping others connect the dots with their technology. In her role as an Integration Consultant, she believes there’s always new things to discover: “The more I learn, the more I learn that I have more to learn” — Albert Einstein. Outside of work, Kylie appreciates unique food trucks, half-priced books, and hiking in national parks across the U.S.

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Ethan Britt

Integration Consultant

When it comes to all things technology, Ethan is a true innovator. As an Integration Consultant at Venn, he builds integrations to help clients automate their most stressful manual processes. Ethan appreciates automation in and out of the office—building a home server that triggers lights, temperature, and cameras to check in on his cat, Me-Mow. To help stay determined, Ethan focuses on his long-term goals and dream of taking a year-long excursion around the world.

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Ankur Kaushik

Senior Salesforce Consultant

Ankur believes in helping others and leaving a positive impact. As a Salesforce Consultant, he works alongside clients every day to ensure they’re getting the most out of their CRM. A true sneakerhead at heart, Ankur collects only the freshest and cleanest-looking shoes to go with any outfit he wears. Outside of work, he loves trying new restaurants and traveling with friends.

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Karissa Sasser

Sales Operations Specialist

Karissa desires to see more than just plants grow, people too. A friend of Jesus, she wants others to know: The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still (Exodus 14:14). As a Sales Operations Specialist, Karissa focuses on elevating the new client experience and supports our Sales team, ensuring that no client need goes unmet. Outside of work, Karissa enjoys soaking up the sun, serving at church, and being the fun aunt to all of her friends' kids.

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Randle Haggerty

Digital Marketing Specialist

Randle is a creator through and through, taking special care to infuse the brand into every aspect of his role. As the Digital Marketing Specialist, he enjoys turning complex concepts into content for engaging with our audience. He believes, “When we count our many blessings, it isn’t hard to see that life’s most valued treasures are the ones that are free.” An Irishman at heart, Randle wants to one day visit family in County Cork, Ireland. When he’s not learning to speak Gaelic, you can find him at a restaurant that has good eats and outdoor games.

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Mikayla Gabaldon

Operations Specialist

Mikayla is all about speaking truth and serving others for the sake of excellence. She admires a verse from Philippians 2:3: Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility, count others more significant than yourselves. From invoices, to contract management, Mikayla is a master of process optimization. Her attention to detail and organization is a strategic advantage that enables us to better serve our clients and partners. Mikayla is an Oklahoma native but loves all things travel and wants to one day visit Greece, Paris, and London.

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Mike Terrano


If Mike wasn’t a Developer, he’d enroll himself in culinary school and be the next Gordon Ramsay. As a member of the development team, he writes code for new integration methodologies to support Venn’s consultants. A role model at heart, Mike loves coaching his kids’ sports teams and helping others achieve their goals. Outside of work, you can find Mike golfing and spending time with family.

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Lacey Weaver


An eager learner and problem solver, Lacey appreciates a verse from Matthew 7:7: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened. Her focus as a developer is to deliver production-ready integration apps and methodologies in collaboration with the team. Outside of work, Lacey is fond of brain teasers, video games (especially Zelda!), and travel—hoping to one day visit the Swiss Alps in Switzerland by train.

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Randy King Jr.

Customer Advocate

As someone who knows a thing or two about sailing, Randy is very familiar with the phrase "All hands on deck." This bodes well in his role as Salesforce Customer Advocate since teamwork is an important part of helping clients with their "Sailsforce" environment. Randy is inspired to better himself each day, especially in his approach to assisting others. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his dogs, reading a good book, and sightseeing around the Lone Star State.

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David Booth

Account Manager

David believes the best outlook on life is to “Live simply. Enjoy family. Work well.” As an Account Manager, he engages with Venn clients to discover how integrations, automations, and ongoing support services can take their organizations to the next level. Having some pretty solid instrumental and karaoke skills, David wants to one day play music in front of a huge crowd. Stage fright? Nahh. Outside of work, he enjoys playing piano and traveling to new places with his family.

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Josh Soberanis

Account Executive

Josh believes that there’s greatness in everyone and lives by, “I'd like to think the best of me is still up my sleeve” a quote from John Mayer. As an Account Executive, Josh helps prospects discover the right solutions to get the most from their systems. Outside of work, you'll find Josh at the golf course or playing one of several instruments. As an avid golf player, he dreams of one day playing at St. Andrews Links in Scotland.

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Jason Cash

Account Executive

A stranger is just a friend Jason hasn't met yet. As an Account Executive, Jason develops relationships with prospects interested in automating their business. Outside of the day-to-day at Venn, you can find him coaching his son's little league team or in the aisles of a craft store collecting supplies for his daughter's next art project. Jason loves golf & looks forward to the day that golf loves him back. He embraces challenges both on & off the course and admires a quote from golf legend, Ben Hogan: “The most important shot is the next one.”

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Taylor Cunningham

Integration Consultant

As someone who desires to leave the world a better place than he found it, Taylor is motivated by a quote from Audrey Hepburn: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible.'” As an integration consultant, he keeps up with the latest technology updates and assists Venn clients in building the right automation solutions for their business at scale. Taylor has his sights on skydiving someday, but for now, he's keeping his feet on the ground while playing a few rounds of golf on the weekends.

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Andrew McMillion


An avid learner, Andrew is encouraged by an Albert Einstein quote: “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” As a developer, he writes code for integration solutions to help Venn consultants, clients, and partners. When he's not reading through lines of code at work, you'll find Andrew shredding an electric guitar in tune of his favorite Metallica songs.

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Jacob Daddario

Senior Developer

As a developer, Jacob believes that programming is like digital craftsmanship—using skills and many different tools to build an easy-to-use product for others. Jacob is a tech enthusiast and finds humor in the quote “We might not know how the pyramids were built, but we do know how to connect a Linux machine to the internet.” On his bucket list, he wants to see Texas A&M play University of Texas in football. Outside of work, you can find Jacob cooking up new recipes and cuisines to try.
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Jose Valdez

Technical Project Manager

As a boxer himself, Jose knows how to roll with the punches. He lives his life by the phrase: “Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% is how we choose to react to it.” As a technical project manager, Jose works alongside consultants with the aim of providing clients with a tailored solution that enhances their work life. Away from the office, you can find Jose spending time with his family, playing soccer, or perfecting his jabs and uppercuts on the punching bags.
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Cecil Aguh

Salesforce Consultant

Cecil brings his passion for success and problem-solving to help clients fall in love with their Salesforce environment. When he's not tailoring the world’s leading CRM to business needs, you can find him watching his favorite sport teams. His reminder on how to live life? “Smile, you're on camera!” And when it comes to bucket list dreams, skydiving is at the top!

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Jess Rivera

Marketing Intern

Jess brings her creative energy and drive to the team, fueled by a passion for building something that makes both herself and others proud. When she's not hard at work, you’ll find her cheering on the Dallas Stars, at a National Park, or hosting epic game and movie nights with friends. She lives by the mantra: "Be like I-35 and never stop working on yourself, no matter how inconvenient it is for anyone else."

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Bjørn Koding

Chief Yeti in Charge

Bjørn hails from Tallinn, Estonia, and wears multiple hats here at Venn (mostly fur). He's got a knack for making the right connections and having the right conversations—which, in our business—is the name of the game. He's a blast to have around the office and brings a fresh new perspective to the party. Now, if we can only get him to leave the thermostat alone (55° is a tad low for us Texans).


Join the Cool Kids of Integration & Automation

We're looking for talented individuals who want to make a positive impact while enjoying a workplace culture that's cooler than a yeti in a snowstorm. Explore our open positions and join our team of problem-solving, stress-reducing, trailblazing automators!

Got a burning question for us?

No, Bjørn doesn't hand out autographs, but if you have other questions about Venn, send us a message and we'll get back to you.