Shelter Holdings

Written byBjørn Koding

Shelter Holdings-Link Preview

Not only did Venn seamlessly integrate Intacct and Procore, they created a framework that will save Shelter Holdings time and money on future Procore integrations.


Shelter Holdings is one of those quiet, diversified management groups that prefer to hold their cards close to the vest. Among the many business lines they operate under the umbrella of the holding company is a multi-faceted construction business that specializes in mixed-use and multi-family projects. This would be the focus of the integration.

A long-time Procore user—the world’s leading construction management software—the client had transitioned its accounting platform to Sage Intacct for Intacct’s ability to deftly handle multi-entity accounting complexities.

A significant portion of the enterprises’ financial transactions involves accepting Invoices from subcontractors, reviewing them, and linking them to the other moving parts within the project. While Procore manages construction projects, start to finish, exceptionally well—the company was still having to perform double-entry because Procore and Intacct were each being used standalone. That meant that, after payables were entered into Procore, they still needed to be entered into Intacct to facilitate cutting checks and tracking each transaction’s financial impact each step of the way.

“As long-time Procore users operating in the GC and mixed-use development space, the time had come for us to get beyond having to key the same information twice every time — first into Procore, then into our GL. It was unnecessarily burdening two different teams and increased the potential for error.”
—  Andy Whisenant,  IT Director

Whisenant was introduced to Venn through the Resource Group, a Sage Intacct VAR Shelter Holdings had tapped for the project. Whisenant made clear that the very cautious and conservative company he works for needed more than a “these guys are good” referral to a third-party integrator.

“Resource Group’s recommendation alone wasn’t what gave us the confidence to go forward with Venn. Rather, it was the depth, breadth, and attention to detail evident during our initial, 4-hour-long discovery call. That convinced us Venn was the right team to help us make this happen,” says Whisenant.

Whisenant shares that he has worked with many outside contractors in both his current and in past roles and had fully expected Venn’s owner, Scott Hollrah, to be the typical “sales guy.” Most of those, according to Whisenant are well-versed enough with the tech to sell it, but little more than that. However, in Hollrah he found someone who immediately understood what Shelter was looking for—someone who not only understood Intacct inside and out but had a deep understanding of accounting principles.

Within a week of starting the engagement, Venn delivered a working prototype. The integration brings the payables generated in Procore into Intacct and links them to the proper Projects and Vendors so that the top-level organization can cut checks from their finance system. It automatically creates dimensions in Intacct that allow for robust reporting based on data in Procore.

Whisenant sums up his experience with Venn this way: “The new systems saves us a ton of work. Venn went above and beyond in every way—from open lines of communication to great support after the training wheels came off.”

Bjørn Koding

About the Author

Bjørn Koding

Bjørn hails from Tallinn, Estonia, and wears multiple hats here at Venn (mostly fur). He's got a knack for making the right connections and having the right conversations—which, in our business—is the name of the game. He's a blast to have around the office and brings a fresh new perspective to the party. Now, if we can only get him to leave the thermostat alone (55° is a tad low for us Texans).