National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care

Written byBjørn Koding


NIC went to Intacct Advantage looking for the right answers. What they came back with instead were the right questions. Sound backward? Venn doesn’t think so.

The National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC) is a nonprofit whose mission is to support access and choice for America's seniors by providing data and analytics that support the efforts of the investors and providers who serve them.

It was there at Intacct Advantage, listening to conference speaker Scott Hollrah and hearing his incisive questions, that opened NIC’s eyes to what integration could really deliver for them.

According to Leigh Anna Geraghty, NIC's Manager of Marketing and Sales Technology; at the time they met Hollrah and began their relationship with Venn, they had already been using Salesforce and Intacct for some time. But, the applications were siloed—being used standalone. 

NIC believed they should be getting more from their investment in these costly applications and wanted to eliminate the multiple manual steps and unnecessary duplication of records they felt were robbing them of time and resources. Still, they didn’t feel they knew enough to say: this is exactly what we need—what will it cost? 

According to Geraghty, Venn took the time to thoroughly evaluate and understand their processes, walk them through the possibilities, lay out the pros and cons, and discuss potential trade-offs.

NIC previously leveraged CVENT to handle registrations and sponsorships for its bi-annual events, but CVENT was also run as a silo. What NIC has now, thanks to Venn, is more than just a robust integration between Salesforce and Intacct, but thanks to multiple integration workflows related to CVENT, their sales team now has real-time visibility on customer interactions with their finance department, delivering critical actionable intelligence.

“They are trusted partners, there for us when we need them, always looking out for our best interests. Venn created huge efficiencies and unlocked the power of the platform we had invested in already. So because of that, I was able to talk to my boss, ask to buy a bank of hours with Venn so that whenever needed, I had them. My boss never blinked. She clearly saw the value of the 'win' for NIC,” said Geraghty.

Venn is pleased to have contributed to helping NIC be more effective in a role that ultimately results in delivering their mission to support access and choice for America’s seniors. NIC hosts two of the senior housing sector's premier conferences each year, bringing together investors, operators, owners, developers and service providers to build relationships, partnerships, and industry knowledge.
Bjørn Koding

About the Author

Bjørn Koding

Bjørn hails from Tallinn, Estonia, and wears multiple hats here at Venn (mostly fur). He's got a knack for making the right connections and having the right conversations—which, in our business—is the name of the game. He's a blast to have around the office and brings a fresh new perspective to the party. Now, if we can only get him to leave the thermostat alone (55° is a tad low for us Texans).