Venn at Work: Melissa Bell, Content Marketing Manager

Written byRandle Haggerty

November 4, 2021


If you are Melissa, your day is full of identifying and creating unique marketing content, meetings with Scott and the integration team, and finding ways to infuse dad jokes into Venn's social posts. Keep reading to find out how Melissa spends her time as a Content Marketing Manager at Venn Technology.

As a Content Marketing Manager for Venn Technology, Melissa’s main focus is producing marketing collateral that speaks to Venn's fun & playful brand.

5:30 AM: I have to start my day by going to the gym. I go to a really great CrossFit gym called Fort Worth Strong. By nature, I've always been a morning person, but I also played a lot of sports growing up, so I enjoy starting my day with a challenging workout.

6:30 AM: I do have a pretty hefty commute to work—but it's worth it because the team here at Venn is amazing. I've had roles in the past that were fully remote, but there is a huge difference when you commute in and enjoy the work and the people you work with. During the commute, I typically listen to podcasts. I have about 6 in rotation at all times, and my favorite genre is True Crime, but I cycle in the DGMG podcast by Dave Gerhardt that touches on B2B Marketing trends.

7:30 AM: I start my morning by looking through Slack to see if I missed anything from the day before. I like to use the first hour of my morning for heads-down tasks like writing blogs, drafting copy, designing social images, and creating landing pages.

9:00 AM: I'm usually in a lot of meetings on Mondays, but typically around this time I'm meeting with the internal team members to discuss our newest integrations to understand how they work, who we are targeting, what's the value prop, and how we're going to position it. My primary responsibility is identifying and creating content that represents the Venn brand. We have a very fun and playful brand, and we're always looking for ways to infuse that into topics that can seem pretty mundane to people.


I really love that marketing doesn't just fall to me. There are so many marketers here at Venn—from the guys that do the integrations to our sales team to the project managers to Scott. There are many perspectives that help fuel new marketing ideas.


10:00 AM: After I meet with the integration team, I take that information and determine how to structure it into new and existing marketing collateral. Whether that be in the form of a video series like Drinking our Own Champagne or a new campaign for our Integration listings.

The Champagne series is an ongoing video project that I work on regularly. Here's the best way to explain it. Have you ever heard of the expression, "Eating your own dog food?" The idea is if you believe in the product or service that you sell, you would use it too. So the purpose is to show how Venn integrates and automates the very same applications our clients have, but for our own processes internally. Plus, we prefer champagne over dog food.


Speaking of dogs, I'm a big animal lover. My husband and I have two rescue pups, Pippy (left) and Nola (right).

11:00 AM: I spend most of this time continuing to work on projects that involve a lot of writing and design. When I do need a break, I'll walk around the office and occasionally pop in to check on other team members. My days vary, but I do like to walk across the street to Brew & Batter during a break to grab a coffee.


I think the most exciting thing about my role is being back in a position where I'm actually hands-on with the creative work. I get to touch every part of a campaign from planning to execution.


12:00 PM: 99% of the time I bring my lunch. I really enjoy cooking, and my husband and I spend a lot of time in the kitchen together. We love cooking from scratch and growing our own vegetables. I always have a huge summer garden of squash, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and a variety of spicy peppers. If I don't bring my lunch, I like to go to Eatzi's to grab something quick. On occasion, the girls in the office will do a lady's lunch at Mi Dia—a really great Tex-Mex restaurant in Grapevine.


Melissa with her husband, Tanner, alongside two images of their homemade sourdough bread and fresh vegetables from their backyard garden.

2:00 PM: If I'm in another meeting around this time, it might be to discuss a new pre-built integration or I have meetings with Scott to discuss new campaigns. Quarterly or sometimes more frequently, I'll have meetings with clients to talk about creating a case study. Every other week, I make it a point to attend marketing webinars that keep me up to speed on best practices and B2B marketing trends.

3:00 PM: Usually an hour before I leave the office, I like to take inventory of what I did and didn't get to for the day. My goal is to make significant progress on the tasks I set in the morning and, for what I didn't get to, I timeblock it for the next day. When I see that there's meetings the next day—especially if it's an external meeting with a client, partner, or vendor—I spend time prepaing to make sure I have all of my notes and questions ready to go.

4:30-5:00 PM: Just like in the morning, my commute back home is significant, but I see it as a good time to call friends and family—I do have quite a bit of family that lives out-of-state, so it does give me an opportunity to connect with them during the week. 


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Randle Haggerty

About the Author

Randle Haggerty

Marketing Manager