Hired: Steven Nickols, Integration Consultant

Written byJessica Rivera

February 17, 2025

Hired is a video series that gets new team members' take on what their first 30 days on the job are like at Venn.

Meet Steven Nickols, Integration Consultant at Venn. We ask him all the big questions every job applicant and new recruit needs to hear—from company culture to role-specific opportunities.

What do you like about your position?

I like how every day is a bit of a challenge. This is a new field for me. So coming in every day is not only
learning how to do integrations, but learning what their capabilities are and how it impacts our clients.


Do you feel welcomed by the team so far?

Absolutely. Everyone here has kind of rolled out the welcome wagon. I haven't felt excluded or anything along those lines. It's also nice to see the amount of passion everyone has for what they're doing here. Definitely feels more than a job for quite a few of them.


What do you think of our company culture?

Going back to my previous response, I think the culture here is great. Like I said, I can feel the passion
in everyone that I've interacted with. They really believe in the cause and what we're doing here.


Has anything surprised you since joining the team?

The fridge, for sure. Going in there and seeing the first thing is beer. That was definitely a surprise. I think that kind of speaks to the culture here where it's work hard, play hard. You know, when the end of the day comes around, you don't see people rushing out the door. They're still hanging out, talking with their coworkers, and maybe catching a round of darts. This feels more social than any other place I've worked.


Do you feel like you have the right resources to be successful in your role?

Absolutely. They take a lot of time and a lot of care to make sure that I know what I need to do
to accomplish my goals here, as well as, to be an active member of the team.


What motivates you to keep coming in each day?

Well, I mean, a lot of things. My personal life, of course, but, namely the challenge here. Like I said previously, this is a new endeavor for me, a new field. And, every day, I feel like I come in and I'm learning something new. I'm, you know, getting to that crawl, walk, run stage. And I'm here for it. I love the challenge.


Anything else you'd like to add?

The biggest piece of advice I would offer anyone looking for a position at Venn Technology is to really focus on your soft skills. I didn't necessarily get this job based on what I know, but based on how I am, who I am. I had actually applied for a different position, but they liked me so much that they rolled me into the position I'm in now. So really kind of let your personality shine through. They really do care, and they want to see it.


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Jessica Rivera

About the Author

Jessica Rivera

Marketing Specialist