When you look at your integration, do you get warm fuzzies or does it make your eyes hurt?
As highly experienced integration consultants, we’ve seen it all. And there’s always that one integration in an organization that looks like a hot mess.
At Venn, we have a name for this arduous breed. Meet Terri B.L. Integration—Terri for short.
Although well-intentioned, Terri joins organizations to help streamline manual workarounds so people can focus on what they were hired to do—not move data from one system to another. Unfortunately for Terri and his fellow teammates, everyone usually ends up looking frazzled.
Let’s face it. Not all integrations look as good as Mark Cuban’s Dallas Mavs in the 2011 NBA Championship game. Especially the Terri B.L. ones.
Need help with a sloppy integration (or implementing a new one) but not sure where to start?
Call Venn. We’re here to help you sound like an award-winning symphony.